Friday, March 4, 2011

13-year-old California girl fled home to escape arranged marriage in Pakistan

California girl fled to escape arranged marriage | Reuters

Jessie Marie Bender, 13.

(Reuters) - A 13-year-old Southern California girl who ran away from home to escape an arranged marriage in Pakistan has been taken into protective custody by child welfare authorities, police said on Thursday.
And, don't miss the obvious: what's wrong for fair-skinned, blue-eyed California girls is just as wrong for Pakistani girls. You can take your religious tolerance, respect for other cultures, or whatever you want to call it, if you're harboring such a feeling, and shove it. That girls brought up in a culture where they're brainwashed their whole (young) lives into believing this is acceptable may not know enough to resist, or have a single adult caregiver to stand up for them, does not make it right.

Via FriendFeed's CW™
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